Understanding your Mixergy Care Plan Report and what to do if there is an issue with your Mixergy tank.
Cleansing Cycle
Your water tank has a built-in pasteurisation cycle that runs every two weeks. This heats the whole tank to 100%. Your Care Plan report will tell you if this cycle has happened in the last month.
Possible problems and solutions
- The cleansing cycle is turned off. If you use Heat Geek settings, you can change how often this cycle runs. This is only possible in Heat Geek mode. If it hasn’t run in a month, your report will warn you.
- The heat source flow temperature is too low. The water needs to reach at least 55°C. Check your settings if you use indirect heating (such as a boiler) or a heat pump.
- The tank thermostat has tripped. This can happen for different reasons. Call your installer or use our Expert Finder to get help from a Mixergy Expert.
- The heat pump cleaning cycle is on. If you have a heat pump, its cleaning cycle might clash with the Mixergy one. Try turning off the heat pump’s cycle.
If none of these fix the problem or appear to be this issue, contact your installer or use our Expert Finder.
Heat Loss
Your Care Plan checks how quickly your tank cools down. If something seems off, your report may flag an issue.
- We have detected an unusually high heat loss. This might be caused by:
- A leak or dripping tap—check all hot water taps and showers.
- Poor insulation—make sure your installer has insulated your hot water pipes where practically possible.
- We can’t measure your heat loss rate. This usually means there’s another issue with your tank. Contact your installer or use our Expert Finder.
The Mixergy X/Solar X hold heat differently from the Mixergy iHP X Cylinder. Heat loss comparisons should only be made between similar units.
Leak or High Water Use
Your tank checks for unusual heat loss. If it also notices high energy use, an issue may appear on your report because of:
- A dripping tap or a water leak. These are measured and reported as high energy use.
- A secondary return pump that keeps running (if installed).
If this issue appears in your report, contact your installer or use our Expert Finder.
Connection Problems
The Care Plan and Care Plan Plus require your tank needs to be online for at least 300 days a year. Your Care Plan report will show:
- The percentage of time your tank has been connected.
- How much of your data was backed up.
If your tank has been offline for more than 20% of the time, it will be flagged as an issue.
Connection solutions
- Check the status light on your tank. A blue light on your Mixergy guage means it’s connected. If the connection light is not on, your tank is offline.
- If your tank isn’t connecting, check our user troubleshooting guide. If using the Mixergy App, you will recieve a notification when there are connection issues. This will link to possible solutions.
Electric Heating Issues
If your tank runs on electricity, your report may flag problems like:
- Delays between heating requests and power use. If this happens more than three times, your thermostat may have tripped and needs a reset.
- Less hot water than expected.
- Power use below 2.4 kW when heating. Short heating cycles may cause this.
If this issue appears in your report, contact your installer or use our Expert Finder.
If you use a third-party solar diverter (like MyEnergi Eddi or immerSUN) and a Mixergy PV switch, your Mixergy App won’t track power from the diverter. The tank will show that it’s heating, but no energy demand will be recorded.
Heat Pump or Boiler Heating Problems
Your Care Plan tracks how fast and how well your heating works. It flags issues if:
- Heating is delayed more than three times.
- Heating doesn’t happen when it should.
- Boiler users: Set your boiler temperature 10°C higher than your Mixergy Target Temperature.
- Heat pump users: Make sure your heat pump is set to receive on-demand signals from Mixergy instead of running on it’s own timer or on/off schedule.
Need help? Contact your installer or use our Expert Finder.
Heat Pump or Boiler Efficiency Problems
Your report might warn you if your system isn’t running efficiently.
What to Check:
- Boiler temperature: Keep it at least 10°C above your Mixergy Target Temperature.
- Heat pump users: Ask your installer about adjusting pump speeds and balancing valves for better performance.
Software Updates
Your Care Plan will alert you if your tank isn’t running the latest software. To the solve the issue, keep your tank online and it will update automatically.